Take Local Action To Demand Justice for Environmental Contamination from Nuclear Weapons

The Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE) has a long history of ignoring and undermining the public's concerns regarding lingering radioactive contamination at Rocky Flats, the former plutonium weapons facility on Colorado's Front Range. Although the site is still an EPA Superfund site, and although independent analysis has found plutonium particles to be widespread throughout the area, the CDPHE continues to allow development and recreation at Rocky Flats.
Jon Lipsky, the retired FBI Agent who led the raid on Rocky Flats which led to the site's closure, has recently submitted a petition to the CDPHE, demanding greater transparency and accountability with regard to the radioactive contamination at the site.
You can support this effort by speaking at the State Board of Health Meeting on Wednesday, December 18th, or by sending a written comment, saying that you support Jon Lipsky's petition. See below for more information:
Meeting Date and Time: December 18, 2024, 10:00am
Meeting Location: CDPHE, 4300 Cherry Creek South Drive, Denver, CO 80246, Conference Room B1E
Register to Speak: Click this link to register for public comment before the registration deadline Tuesday, December 17th at 5:00pm.
Submit a Written Comment: Written comments may be sent to cdphe.bohrequests@state.co.us before Tuesday, December 17th at 5:00pm.
Here is a sample script to add your voice for public comment:
Dear Colorado State Board of Health,
I’m reaching out as a resident of Colorado with serious concerns about public health and safety issues at the former nuclear weapons plant, Rocky Flats. Development and recreation continues to occur at Rocky Flats despite the alarm being sounded by independent experts, residents, and elected officials throughout the region. On September 24th, 2024 Westminster City Council voted to withdraw their support for the Rocky Mountain Greenway. Local governments including Broomfield, Arvada, and Boulder County have asked for air monitoring. Dr. Michael Ketterer proved in April 2024 that respirable particles of plutonium continue to spread through the air downwind of Rocky Flats.
We need responsible action now, that is why I support Jon Lipsky's Petition for SBOH Declaratory Order of September 9, 2024. Please make sure there is a timely response to Mr. Lipsky's petition with immediate action from CDPHE to protect public health.
Thank you for your time and attention to this important public health issue.
(Your Name)
Colorado Resident
You can also reference the links here to customize your letter:
Petition for Expedited Declaratory Order (September 9th, 2024)
Comment on Declaratory Order - Lyne (November 18th, 2024)
Comment on Declaratory Order - Joint Statement (November 20th, 2024)
Thank you for taking action to defend public health and safety!