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Detection of airborne plutonium from Rocky Flats in air filters collected along Indiana Street under the episodic high-wind conditions of April 6, 2024

On April 6, 2024, the Denver metropolitan area experienced very strong winds at the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge and its surroundings. During this storm, Michael E. Ketterer and Jon S. Lipsky collected three high-volume air filter samples using portable equipment at roadside locations: i) former East Gate of the Rocky Flats plant; ii) Southeast Gate of the Refuge; and iii) Colorado 128 at the Rock Creek underpass. The two samples along Indiana St. were collected while the prevailing wind was coming directly from the west. We observed that wind gusts were crossing the Central Operating Unit, as well as portions of the Refuge, all of which are known to contain elevated 239+240Pu activities in surface soils.

Read the Summary of the Study and Dr. Ketterer's personal affidavit below.



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