ACTION ALERT: Call on Broomfield to Stop Funding for the Jefferson Parkway. Vote Scheduled for Sept
This map shows the proposed route of the Jefferson Parkway along Indiana St. compared with plutonium contamination outlined on the Krey Hardy Map. Click here for additional information from a paper written by Randy Stafford, member of the Jefferson Parkway Advisory Committee.
September 10th, Broomfield City Council
When: Tuesday September 10th, 6:00pm
Where: George Di Ciero City and County Building 1 DesCombes Drive Broomfield, CO 80020
Email the Broomfield City Council at:
JPPHA is asking Broomfield for $2.5 million to help fund the Jefferson Parkway. A vote is tentatively scheduled to occur at this meeting. Please make public comment to Broomfield City Council to not provide any more funding to the Jefferson Parkway project.

The proposed route of the Jefferson Parkway traverses land adjacent to Rocky Flats, a former nuclear weapons plant that manufactured 70,000 plutonium bomb triggers, 1952-1989.
Important Points:
Studies over recent decades have shown plutonium at more than 100x background radiation along Indiana St. A recent sample from August 2019 measured 264 pCi/G. More info from Westword.
The half-life of plutonium is 24,110 years.
There is pending litigation on 3 lawsuits regarding contamination at Rocky Flats (more information available on
Local legislators, local school boards, and community groups from around the nation oppose public recreation at Rocky Flats.
7 local school districts made a commitment to not allow field trips to Rocky Flats. This includes BVSD, SVVSD, Adams 12, Adams 14, Jeffco Public Schools, and Denver Public Schools.
In 2016 property owners in the Cook V. Rockwell case received a settlement of $375 million due to contamination from the Rocky Flats Plant. The jury found that “plutonium will continue to be present on the class properties indefinitely”.
The Jefferson Parkway would not complete the beltway around Denver. There would still be a number of stoplights and road transfers.