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Important Meetings in Broomfield June 18th and 25th re: Jefferson Parkway

This map shows the proposed route of the Jefferson Parkway along Indiana St. compared with plutonium contamination outlined on the Krey Hardy Map. Click here for additional information from a paper written by Randy Stafford, member of the Jefferson Parkway Advisory Committee.

June 18th, Broomfield City Council Study Session

  • When: Tuesday June 18th, 6:00pm

  • Where: George Di Ciero City and County Building 1 DesCombes Drive Broomfield, CO 80020

  • Email the Broomfield City Council at:

  • JPPHA is asking Broomfield for $2.5 million to help fund the Jefferson Parkway. Broomfield City Council will hear from speakers including Randy Stafford, members from the Rocky Flats Technical Group, and CDPHE at the meeting on 6/18/19. Please email Broomfield City Council to not provide any more funding to the Jefferson Parkway project.

June 25th, Broomfield City Council

  • When: Tuesday June 25th, 6:00pm

  • Where: George Di Ciero City and County Building 1 DesCombes Drive Broomfield, CO 80020

  • Email the Broomfield City Council at:

  • JPPHA is asking Broomfield for $2.5 million to help fund the Jefferson Parkway. A vote could occur at a subsequent meeting to the June 18th study session on this issue. Please make public comment to Broomfield City Council to not provide any more funding to the Jefferson Parkway project.

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