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Action Alert: Oppose Additional Funding for the Jefferson Parkway

Contact the Broomfield and Arvada City Council: Deny New $7.5M Request for Jefferson Parkway Did you know that the Jefferson Parkway Public Highway Authority has asked Arvada, Broomfield, and Jefferson County for $7,500,000 MORE MONEY for 2019? Did you know that the JPPHA has ALREADY spent $10,500,000 in taxpayer dollars from those municipalities since 2008, and now wants that much MORE? Resolutions to approve JPPHA’s additional 2019 funding request will come before the Arvada and Broomfield City Councils in January or February. Please contact your council member immediately, tell them you are opposed, and demand they deny the request. Contact information follows, as does a sample email message. Additional info about the Jefferson Parkway is available at this link. Please share this post on social media, in your Nextdoor neighborhoods, and on email lists scoped to Arvada and Broomfield. Sample email:

(send to and Honorable Council Member, I am opposed to the allocation of another $2,500,000 from the City’s budget to fund the Jefferson Parkway Public Highway Authority in 2019. I urge you to vote against this allocation when it comes before Council in a resolution very soon this year. The Jefferson Parkway project makes no sense. Voters disapproved its predecessor W-470 by a four-to-one margin in 1989. The Northwest Quadrant Feasibility Study found in 2000 that such a roadway won’t relieve congestion in our city. The Northwest Parkway has been a financial disaster for Broomfield. And the public health risk of disturbing plutonium-contaminated soil east of Rocky Flats is paramount. There is no defensible reason to build this parkway and waste taxpayer money doing so. Please spend our tax dollars more wisely, and please be responsive to the will of the citizens. Sincerely, An Engaged Constituent

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