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Halt the Opening of Rocky Flats

You've sent your letters to Colorado Members of Congress in opposition to the opening of the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge through the Keep Rocky Flats Closed Forever campaign. Now, it's time to put pressure on the decision makers: DOE Legacy Management and US Fish and Wildlife Service. The US Fish and Wildlife Service plans to open the Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge for public recreation on September 15th of this year. It is an urgent matter of public health to keep Rocky Flats closed! No matter where you are, you can take action to keep living beings safe from contamination by writing a letter to DOE Legacy Management and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service demanding that they keep Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge closed in the interest of public health. CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION TODAY TO PREVENT THE OPENING OF ROCKY FLATS

Demonstration to Keep Rocky Flats Closed at the Alfred A. Arraj Courthouse during the Public Hearing for Preliminary Injunction in the RMPJC v. USFWS lawsuit. July 17th, 2018.

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