Peacemaker of the Year Award Ceremony
Peacemaker of the Year Award Ceremony: honoring special guests instrumental to Rocky Flats shutdown
This year, at our annual Peacemaker of the Year Award Ceremony, we at the Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center have chosen to honor the people who were instrumental in shutting down Rocky Flats. This is the Peace Center’s 30th year as an organization founded (in 1983) by activists protesting against Rocky Flats. So it seemed fitting to present a Lifetime Achievement award to Jon Lipsky, the former FBI Special Agent who led the raids on Rocky Flats, and Wes McKinley, who served as foreman of the special Grand Jury that reviewed the evidence against Rocky Flats operators and officials. Please come help us honor them (and locals Tom Moore & Nancy Sullo and New Era Colorado) on November 16 in Boulder.